About Us

The “AlexandriaU-CRCICA Arbitration Initiative” is a permanent legal education and training project established under the auspices of Alexandria University and the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), by virtue of two protocols of cooperation signed on the 23rd of December 2019 and the 25th of February 2021.

The Initiative is a non-profit-making and a non-political entity formed in cooperation between the University and the Centre, the principal aim of which is to promote institutional arbitration amongst law students and young practitioners through conducting various activities.

I. Vision

Advancing the culture of institutional arbitration and other ADR mechanisms within the legal community in such an evolving global environment and contributing to the development of legal education.

II. Objective

To contribute to promoting the notions of institutional arbitration and developing its understanding amongst law students and young practitioners. Also, to train the legal professionals of tomorrow on the ADR mechanisms, whilst enhancing their capabilities; thereby equipping them in order to be able to meet the market demands.

Furthermore, to establish and develop cooperation and professional contacts between law students from different universities and even different jurisdictions, thereby fostering mutual understanding within the legal communities and facilitating the exchange of knowledge.

III. Means

The main function of the Initiative is to organize and carry out activities involving the development of legal knowledge, mainly in the field of institutional international and domestic arbitration, for the purposes of spreading the culture and notions of arbitration as an alternative method of dispute resolution and to foster the study of international trade law and arbitration and other ADR mechanisms. The Initiative Activities may include, but are not limited to, moot competitions; conferences; training programs; training sessions; seminars; and webinars.