About Alexandria University

Alexandria University is an Egyptian public university established in 1938.

The establishment of Alexandria University in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria can be considered a recapture and revival of the oldest university in the history of the world, the ancient University of Alexandria (the Alexandria Mouseion), which was established in the same area in the Ptolemaic era during the Hellenistic period and lost in antiquity.

The nucleus of Alexandria University (formerly known as Farouk I University) had its beginning with two facilities, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts, which were established as branches of Fouad I University (currently known as Cairo University). In light of the need for developing more disciplines for higher education and with a view towards meeting the needs of the people of Alexandria and northern Egypt, Alexandria University became an independent university officially in 1942. Then, the other faculties, institutes, and research centers were established; to contain today 23 faculty and 3 postgraduate institutes.

Alexandria University has two branches abroad in South Sudan and Chad. It also established four branches in Egypt, which all became later independent universities, namely Tanta University, Damanhour University, Kafrelsheikh University, and Matrouh University. Also, the University established 3 other universities abroad in Arab and African countries in cooperation with other entities.

The University is usually ranked and considered the second-best and second-largest university in Egypt, one of the top 10 universities in Africa, and one of the top 12 universities in the Arab region. The University is also the 4th oldest university in continuous operation in Egypt and the oldest on the northern coast of Egypt.

Alumni of Alexandria University include eminent international jurists, international professors, international judges, international lawyers, ministers, diplomats, scientists, statesmen, scholars, politicians, and prominent practitioners; in addition to the first Egyptian Nobel Laureate to be recognized in a scientific discipline.

Today, the University is home to more than 200,000 students with over 9,500 faculty staff, over half of whom hold a Ph.D. degree; in addition to the international students and international academic staff.