About the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)

CRCICA is an independent non-profit international organization and leading arbitral institution. It is also the oldest and one of the most respected arbitral institutions in the Middle East region and Africa.

Then & Now

The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (the “CRCICA” or the “Centre”) was established in 1979 under the auspices of the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO), in performance of AALCO’s decision made at the Doha Session in 1978 to establish regional centers for international commercial arbitration in Africa and Asia, seeking to promote international commercial arbitration in the Afro-Asian area.

In 1979, an agreement was concluded between AALCO and the Egyptian Government for the establishment of CRCICA for an experimental period of three years. The AALCO and the Egyptian Government concluded a number of subsequent agreements, including for the permanent functioning of the Centre in 1983, for financial support in 1986, and a Headquarters Agreement in 1987 permanently providing the Centre with the status of an independent international organization in Egypt. Pursuant to these agreements, CRCICA continued to function after the experimental period for two additional similar periods, after which it was granted its permanent status.

Further to the recognition of CRCICA’s status as an international organization by the Headquarters Agreement of 1987 as well as by the subsequent Egyptian Presidential Decree No. 399/1987, the Centre, its branches, and its staff were endowed with all necessary privileges and immunities ensuring their independent functioning.

Over the course of more than four decades, CRCICA has operated continuously in Egypt as an international arbitration centre, enjoying full financial autonomy, with a firmly stable financial position.

Today, CRCICA stands as Egypt’s premier arbitral institution, a leading arbitral institution in the Middle East and in Africa, and ranks globally among prominent arbitral institutions – as a marked contender for the first choice of institution in Africa and the Middle East.